Bollywood’s popular star kid Janhvi Kapoor succeeded in stealing the thunder with her good girl avatar in the film Dhadak. She also garnered a lot of positive reviews for her performance. Janhvi has always been one of the offbeat actresses. We all know Janhvi is among South actor Vijay Deverakonda’s die-hard fans. The young starlet also confessed about having a crush on Vijay. Now, as per reports in Telugu Cinema, the two have been paired opposite each other.

Director Puri Jagannadh is currently directing Vijay Deverakonda in ‘Liger’ and the boxing drama is in the final stages of shooting. They bonded well during the filming and have decided to collaborate once again. Now, the buzz is that Puri Jagannadh has finally convinced Janhvi Kapoor to act in this film along with Vijay.

Janhvi was the first choice for ‘Liger’ as well but she could not sign the film as she was busy with other Bollywood movies. Hence, Ananya Panday stepped in. If everything goes according to the plan, Janhvi will step in for this new movie.

Will their chemistry be a hit or a miss?

Keep reading for more updates.