Surbhi Jyoti the talented actress is being missed and we keep saying this more often, as we write about her and her social media posts. Yes, she has not been seen on TV for a while now and we are sure her fans are waiting to see her in action. However, Surbhi is waiting for the right time and the right project!! She continues to enjoy life. She was recently seen holidaying, wearing the best of attires during travel. Now, she is lying on bed, cozily tucked up with a friend, who is a girl who seems to be close to Surbhi. The two of them, are having a fun banter session and we are simply loving the video that has been put on.

You see the two girls in their casual dress style, lying on the bed, and using filters to glory. Yes, filters are a craze these days and girls, especially love to put on different types of filters and click themselves. Here we can see Surbhi and her friend taking a video of the same.

She captions it,

18 h
Thank God for filters else our beauty mein 4 moons how lagte 🤣🤣🤣 YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANS 😝😝
Shenanigans with this one ♥️

Aww!! This is cool. You will laugh like anything on seeing the video here.

You can check here.

Video Courtesy: Instagram

View Instagram Post 1: Surbhi Jyoti Has a Fun-Banter With A Close Friend, Know All Of It Here!!

Wow!! Enjoy your girlies!!