In the latest photos, Anushka Sen, a lovely young actress and social media sensation, is rocking her style. The actress’s outstanding fashion sense allows her to seamlessly pull off her look in every piece of clothing, from breathtaking bodycon dresses to beautiful palazzo sets. Her modern take on her style serves as an influence for Generation Z. In recent images, she effortlessly flaunts her curves in casuals, appearing in an orange top and grey jeans. Have a look below-

Anushka Sen’s Casual Appearance-

Casual Cool: Anushka Sen Slays The Style Game In An Orange Top And Grey Jeans 886791

Casual Cool: Anushka Sen Slays The Style Game In An Orange Top And Grey Jeans 886792

The television actress dropped some stunning photos of herself in an orange top and grey jeans on Instagram. The outfit comprises an orange round neckline, a sleeveless, plain top, and a pair of grey high-waisted jeans. She fashioned her hair in a side-parted wavy hairstyle. The diva applied nude shade makeup with light peach matte eyeshadow and magenta matte lipstick. She accessories her outfit with a silver necklace, a white matte finish crystal bracelet, a purple wristwatch, and paired with a brown waist belt. She flaunts her quarter-portion outfits in the pictures and opts for quirky poses.

Anushka Sen nailed the casual appearance, didn’t she? Let us know your views in the comments below, and stay tuned to