When his one-year-old daughter attempted to sign to him for the first time, he was astounded. On social media, a video of the touching moment has gone viral.

When Zachary’s toddler daughter Madison used sign language to notify him there was a baby crying, he was astounded.

“I’m deaf and my daughter is hearing. This is the first time she tried interpreting for me,” the wording on the video reads.

Here’s the link to the viral video:

Zachary and Madison are seen in the video walking through a supermarket when she drops what she’s holding. She then makes a sign to her father, indicating that she can hear a baby wailing and pointing in the direction of the baby. As Madison stooped down to pick up the washing-up sponges she had dropped, Zachary mirrored Madison’s action, saying, “Baby crying?”

“She dropped what was in her hands, signed baby crying, and pointed! This was a WOW moment,” the father wrote.

More than 19.6 million people have seen the priceless moment that has gone viral on social media. Madison’s ability to interpret for her father wowed the internet.

As one user put it, “Wow! She not only signed what she was hearing she recognized that you couldn’t hear it also. Incredible.” Another wrote, “Smart little girl. She’s learning two languages together, connecting the two languages as she interacts in her world. Super toddler!”

Zach and his hearing wife Courtney are simultaneously educating their daughter to talk and use sign language.

“We use sign language to communicate as a family, but Madison and I also use spoken English,” Courtney explained on their YouTube page.

Source- Times now news