On social media, a variety of wedding clips continue to become popular. After watching these videos, I occasionally miss a hilarious video and occasionally am enraged. Every wedding has a few unique stories that are remembered for a long time. On Instagram, these days, a weird video of the bride and groom is circulating. It will be difficult to believe your eyes when you see this.

This wedding video is remarkable. Your faith in marriage may be shaken as a result of this. You might even reconsider your decision if your marriage has been fixed and will take place in a few months. The bride and groom are seated in the car in this video, which was filmed after the farewell of the bride from her house to her husband’s house. Something happens to the bride, and she begins to hit the groom (Bride Slaps Groom).

This Viral Wedding Video has taken the internet by storm. The groom’s collar is abruptly grabbed by the bride, who begins to beat him. Her mercury had risen to the seventh heaven, and she began slapping the bridegroom on the cheeks. This video has a lot of likes on Instagram. This is generating a lot of amusing comments.

The video has gained over 391,799 views and has received hilarious comments in the comments section. Most of the comments are about concern for the groom, and they are asking why the bride is hitting him constantly.