On social media, an endearing video of a horse smiling uncontrollably has gone viral. The video was posted on Twitter by the user ‘ViralHog’ a few days ago. “This happy horse can’t quit grinning at salt and vinegar chips,” read the tweet.

A horse can be seen chilling with some folks who were camping in the countryside outside their camper in the 1-minute 18-second video.

A brown horse stands beside a woman who appears to be his human mother and eats chips off a plate she holds. After the horse has tasted the salt and vinegar chips, he flashes everyone a really amusing and large smile that includes all of his teeth. Everyone bursts out laughing, and a man is overheard saying, “I suppose he enjoys Mom’s chips.”

Meanwhile, the woman laughs as the horse repeats his amusing grin, exclaiming, “That’s hilarious.”

Watch the amusing video here: