Every non-veg lover loves chicken, as with the myriad of recipes we can actually compose with it! And we all have our own favourite chicken dish, however! So, today we are up with an Apple chicken recipe just for you!


1. Boneless Chicken

2. Dried thyme

3. Salt as per taste

4. Pepper

5. Oil

6. Apples (that you need to thickly slice and not peel them)

7. Onions

8. Apple cider vinegar is a must

9. Corn starch

10. Cider vinegar


1. Marinade the chicken with salt, thyme, and pepper.

2. Cook it till it turns brown on a frying pan

3. Transfer the chicken pieces to a plate.

4. Add some more oil to the frying pan

5. Cook the apples, sliced onions, don’t stir them continuously. Cook them with great patience and love until it turns golden brown.

6. Drop the chicken pieces into the frying pan

7. Cover the pan with a lid and cook them on low heat, toss them and cook until it is pink.

8. Transfer the chicken to a serving bowl or a plate.

Now, the Sauce

1. Whisk some apple cider vinegar and cider vinegar with corn starch.

2. Pour it on the frying pan and stir it continuously on low heat.

3. Stir till the mixture thickens and becomes glossy.

4. Pour the sauce on the chicken.

And you are good to go! Enjoy your apple chicken hot with a glass of wine! Cheers

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