Butter yellow is a huge spring/summer fashion trend, in case you missed the memo. And even though March has only just begun, famous people have already begun adopting the upbeat colour to their clothes. Hailey Bieber returned to Instagram earlier this week with a selection of stunning lingerie images in the current style. Then Kourtney Kardashian introduced the same colour in her most recent swimsuit.
Now, Jessica Alba is in a VIP event for Restoration Hardware in San Francisco while wearing a bright yellow short dress. The Rowen Rose tweed pattern has an unmistakable party vibe because of its square collar and high hemline. When you look closely, you can also find sequins scattered throughout the garment as well as braided designs on the neck, cuffs, and hem. Yes, this kind of little dress simply makes you want to go out. Black tights were subsequently added to the look by Jessica (although they’re not quite The 40-year-old chose stacked earrings, an elaborate bracelet, and multiple gold necklaces as her accessories:

What do you think about Jessica Alba’s beautiful yellow mini dress? Comment down.