There are many types when it comes to makeup. There’s light make up, then there’s soft makeup, bold makeup as well as no makeup. No makeup look is when you do your makeup in a way that gives you a natural look.

No makeup look can be worn as a day to day look. The natural touch makes this look so popular and many celebrities have chosen the no-makeup look to flaunt their natural glow.

Hollywood stars like Salma Hayek, Kristen Stewart, and Emma Stone have been seen sporting the no-makeup look. It’s good to see celebrities once in a while not covered with tons of heavy makeup. No makeup look is gaining popularity as the 21st-century calls for minimalism.

No makeup look usually includes blush, mascara, and lipgloss, and light contouring. Some even add a little bit of foundation if necessary. Salma Hayek, Kristen Stewart, and Emma Stone look beautiful in this look. Their skin looks radiant and glowy.

Here are their pictures, check them out and comment below to let us know who according to you: Salma Hayek, Kristen Stewart, or Emma Stone nailed the no-makeup look?