Since Hashmi’s debut in Footpath in 2003, all of Mahesh and Mukeh Bhatt’s Vishesh Films projects featured him in the lead role, except in Dhokha (2007) where model Muzammil Ebrahim was launched.

The association was interrupted in 2011 when the Bhatts signed Kunal Khemu instead of Emraan for their next.

Bhatt denied a fall out. In an interview to this writer Mahesh Bhatt had said, “Emraan is my nephew. Our relationship is not built on quicksand that it would collapse for no reason. Emraan is free to work with other producers, as we are free to work with other actors.”

Eventually the Bhatt brothers Mahesh and Mukesh also parted ways, and it was Emraan who made the differences between the two brothers public.