In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to overlook the wisdom that lies within our experiences. However, for Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri, sharing this wisdom has become a mission—a mission to empower and inspire young minds across global and domestic platforms through his corporate sessions. Behind the name, there’s a wealth of knowledge and life experience that Vivek brings to the table. With each session, he delves deep into a plethora of topics, offering mind-blowing insights that resonate with individuals from all walks of life.

One of the key themes that Vivek often emphasizes is “Nation First, Always.” Through compelling anecdotes and real-life examples, he instills a sense of patriotism and responsibility among his audience, urging them to prioritize the well-being of their nation above all else. Moreover, Viviek’s sessions are not just about success stories—they’re about resilience and perseverance in the face of failure. He passionately advocates for the mantra “Don’t lose against failures,” encouraging individuals to embrace setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning.

As we delve into Vivek’s world of wisdom, let us be reminded of the transformative power of knowledge and the profound impact it can have on our lives. Through his corporate sessions, Vivek continues to ignite minds, uplift spirits, and shape the leaders of tomorrow.

Don’t lose against Failure

During an interview, Vivek spoke about What real success is?, he said, “I practice that. It’s not that. I am just saying it. So cut down your needs. Number one, when you cut down your needs, you don’t have a fear of losing anything. And the second thing is, don’t get into this game of impressing others. The entire problem lies here. Impressing others. Just go on to express yourself.

Nation First, always

During his speech at IIM Rohtak, Vivek covered 5 Vs of success in which he also mentioned that the new Bharat has its own narrative, He said, “The article uses the word urban access. It is going global. How was it marketed? I never tried to impress anyone. I didn’t say, hey, I’m launching my book. I just simply went and spoke to whoever was there. If you follow. My social media handles even today, every day I sit and sign 20-30 books, which is a very big thing. 16 now, almost five years later, six years later, to sign 30, 40 books every day and send it to people at double the price. It’s a 300 rupee book. I sell it for a thousand rupees with my sign for the foundation. And we use that money to mentor small-town, middle-class, non-English-speaking young people, youth to become, to innovate in the field of communication. That is the mission we follow. And that’s what I call mission Bharat. Because I want the new Bharat to have its own narrative. I want your.”

Lies are temporary, truth is the ultimate

During an interview, Vivek courageously spoke his truth, saying, “What the hell? What are you doing? You are the most responsible, the most successful, most powerful, most the richest producers and directors of India. What kind of world you have created. So no wonder. For two years people are saying boycott Bollywood. They’re fed up of your product. They don’t want to consume your product. Because you are making shit product.”

Not necessary to react often

Moreover, while speaking about, What real success is?, Vivek also said, “Okay, so when you tweet, tweet and get out. Don’t care about what people are writing underneath. If I have to care about that, then I won’t wake up next morning. So just say what you want to say. But be sure about that. Yes, you are willing to lose everything for what you are saying. Okay, so we lost it. See, film worked. We didn’t know that. Five years we wouldn’t have put in. If we knew that film is going to work like this, we would have finished it in six.”