Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are one of the most adorable and loved couples in the Hindi entertainment industry and right now, all the buzz and attention is quite literally on them for their wedding buzz. As per reports in the media, the big-fat Indian wedding is set to take place on April 14 whereas the reception will take place at Taj Mahal Palace in Mumbai on April 16/17. The entire attention of the media, paparazzi and fans is on the wedding right now and we are in love.

While right now, we totally understand and realize how much Alia and Ranbir are in love with each other. But hey folks, have you all seen this viral video where Alia had confessed 8 years back much before they even started dating that she wanted to marry Ranbir Kapoor? Well, we bet you haven’t. Take a look below –

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