Arishfa Khan is a social media personality, who gained fame through her Tiktok and Musically videos. She commenced her profession as a child artist and appeared in daily soaps such as Chhal- Sheh Aur Maat and played the character of Gunjan in the serial Ek Veer Ki Ardaas… Veera. Arishfa went on the act in the episodic serial Crime Patrol and impressed people with her mettle performance. Further Arishfa Khan was seen in the serials Jeannie Aur Juju, Meri Durga, and Uttaran, where she portrayed the character of Rani. Arishfa Khan has a YouTube channel, where she uploads makeup videos and promotes products that have gained her many viewers and subscribers. Her YouTube channel has more than 1.64 million subscribers and her Instagram has touched 16.6 million followers. Arishfa is very active on Instagram, where she posts pictures of her looks and uploads random reels which entertains her fans.

TikTok star Arishfa Khan hits a new high on Instagram

The first nude makeup is seen in this picture which features her in a three-piece set, which consists of a pink and white checkered mini skirt, a crop top, and a similar printed cropped jacket. To match the pink of the outfit, Arishfa wore a blush tone eye shadow, highlight, and a blush tone lip shade, keeping her makeup look neutral and natural.

3 Top striking looks of Arishfa Khan in nude makeup looks 821541

In the next one Arishfa is wearing a traditional salwar-Kameez outfit. She kept her makeup natural with a pink lip shade and highlighter which is seen perfectly in the sunlight.

The last makeup features a subtle eye look and a dark lip shade. She paired the makeup look with a pair of skinny jeans, a white top, and an oversized purple jacket which complements the lip shade.

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