“During confabulations with filmmakers, they do make suggestions and alterations are made here and there. But by and large, there have been no serious differences. So far, only I have been roped as a singer in films but we perform as a band to the same music in performances. We are open to the idea of performing as a band in a film. We do not see any contradiction in this.” Says the vocalist, Sanam Puri, who has prolifically lent his voice in numerous Bollywood movies, but has gotten a steady YouTube channel, that calls Sanam by name! but gives equal prominence to all its members!

It is a Bombay based band, that has reached out throughout the nation and is prominent in every culture. Their band showcases a very cool and comfortable ambience in their music videos, gotten millions of subscribers on YouTube.

Sources say the band charges around 20lakhs to perform for 180mins, and earn around $5.1K – $81.8K per month through his YouTube channel and $61.4K – $982.1K annually!

Well, that’s a fortune, but yeah, they worth it!