Watch: What Leonardo DiCaprio Says When Asked About The Scariest Thing He’s Ever Experienced

This is the most terrifying encounter Leonardo DiCaprio has ever had, Have A Look

Greetings, Leonardo DiCaprio! You’re a worldwide treasure, and after hearing this narrative, we believe it’s time for you to calm down a little and stop almost dying. Leo, Scorsese needs you. We require your assistance.

The actor dropped by The Ellen Show to tell Our Lady of Dances some frightening anecdotes from his background while promoting his upcoming, harsh survival-in-the-wilderness epic, The Revenant. Leo began with a virtuoso depiction of his deadliest personal experience after warming up the audience with a narrative about the one and only time he went skydiving.

Leo was apparently looking out the window on a trip to Russia when the engine burst into a tremendous explosion. The actor said, “I sorta felt like I’d already died and gone to heaven since no one said anything.” “‘What the heck is going on here?’ I was yelling at the top of my lungs.”

Leo varied his plot by bringing in a soft-spoken Southern flight attendant, “We appear to have a small problem here,” he drawls, understanding that a good story requires more than just one man. He also inserts a glum Russian passenger who says, “That is not good,” when told they’ve lost half their engine power. Fortunately, the plane made an emergency landing, and Leo was not lost.

Below, see DiCaprio’s deadpan take on the plane explosion narrative, complete with accents.



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Winola Dabre: She instils a consistent approach towards people and she is extremely driven to work at IWMBUZZ. She is Elysian and she holds on to Espoir.