Online games have been gaining a lot of popularity and success all over the world which is enjoyed and played by everybody, especially kids. There are all types of games available for children and elders. There are few games that are helpful for your overall mental development as well a few games that are just for fun. Few games are a little bit hard game to get better at. There are various games which gives a positive effect on us, as well as few games giving lots of motivation to all types of people. Here we look at 2 online games which have the most positive effect.

First,,,, we look at what kind of positivity games can develop in children and teach them key life skills. Normally online games are just a form of entertainment. Children can develop creativity, relationships with friends and can improve strategic thinking.

There are many games which have a positive effect. Among them here we look at two games Pokemon go and Times Table Rock Stars. Here we look at the positive side of these two online games.

* This game helps children Improve their early reading skills with the supports of parents and teachers.

* Times table Rock stars can be great tools to help children learn more engagingly. Also with the growth of toys they can engage in a physical way.

* This will enhance their memory, thinking abilities, positive energy, as well as playing skills.

* Playing this game can help children develop their multitasking skills.

* Children get the opportunity to learn about different cultures and perspectives.

* These types of games can help nurture relationships through the shared moments and improve their social skills.

* It promotes teamwork and builds confidence. And there are chances of improving leadership qualities.

* Pokemon Go is the game that motivates children to stay active while gaming.