Because Babylon’s Fall is a Platinum Games action RPG, you should anticipate intense fighting. To its credit, there are a slew of intriguing concepts to explore throughout the game, but one in particular – the inclusion of assault styles — nearly revitalizes the moment-to-moment experience.

Attack modes aren’t available until you’ve completed the tale. Heart of the Blue Sun, the last story quest, requires power level 70, which takes the typical player about 25 to 30 hours to achieve. After completing the tale, a task marker will appear, instructing you to talk with Desran in the tavern. After that, you’ll be able to use the functionality. The fighting system in Babylon’s Fall takes some getting accustomed to, and it’s a bit frustrating given how restricted some of the combat choices are. In actuality, fighting improves as you progress through the game, and it improves dramatically as you acquire extra Attack Modes, which radically alter how each Weapon Type plays.

Unfortunately, the Power and Technical Attack Modes in Babylon’s Fall are not available for a long time, and those who exit the game before finishing the main campaign will never be able to try them out since they are unlocked after completing the game and clearing the Heart of the Blue Sun objective.

After that, chat with Desran in the main hub’s bar, who will notify you that the two Attack Modes are now accessible and may be switched in the Equipment Menu. The Shield is the only weapon type that does not have access to Power and Technical Modes for obvious reasons.

Technical Mode is the most fascinating of the two Attack Modes, and it adds the greatest variety to the experience. All weapon types’ combo potential is raised significantly in Technical Mode, and timing Spectral Attacks with combo finishers allows them to deliver more damage. In contrast, Strength Mode decreases each weapon type’s combo potential in return for enhanced attack power, making it a viable choice for boss encounters and foes that cannot be staggered.

Source: wccftech