Actress Riya Deepsi who has TV shows like Mahabharat, Razia Sultan, Begusarai, Porus, Tere Bina Jiya Naye Na to her credit, is a foodie to the core. She cooks delicious delicacies and is an expert when it comes to baking. She makes yummy cakes and cookies and talks about the same here.

In a candid chat with, Riya talks about her food choices and her favourites.

Read them here.

What is your favourite cheat food?

Depends on my taste palate, but Pizza any day.

What would your last meal on Earth be?

Everything, because I love everything.

Do you cook at home? What do you make? Share a recipe with us

Yes, I do sometimes. I am a baker, so I bake Pizza, cook pasta, and bake cookies. I am still working on my recipes, so maybe next time.

Veg or Non Veg?


Baked or fried?

Hahahaha, Both

Soup or salad?


One vegetable that you hate the most?

Karela and Gilki

Your erotica food?

Hmmmm, Dark Chocolate Cake

Weirdest dish you ever ate?

Watermelon with Feta Cheese Salad with Balsamic Vinegar πŸ˜‚

Celebrity you would love to cook for?

Honestly no one

Midnight snack?

Depends on my mood. But it’s mostly Pizza, Instant Ramen or Chips.

The dish that your family loves when you make:

Hahahha Pizza because I make it from scratch

The best compliment got was for which dish:

It’s for the chocolate chip cookies actually. I am famous for the cakes and cookies that I bake 😁