A simple activity like drinking water throughout the day is something that seems very minimal but can lead to really harmful side effects that harm your body in a negative way. Drinking at least two to three liters of water on a daily basis is really important for the average human being.

Humans are made up of 80% of water and this water is stored in each and every cell. So if you do not drink water, there are a few side effects that can be really harmful. Know what they are.
Skin problems

When your body is dehydrated, the first reaction is that your skin goes dull and dry. The dehydration on your face is visible when you consume less water.

One of the prominent side effects of dehydration is that the individual starts getting a throbbing headache. A large glass of water is all that you need to keep yourself away from headaches.
Disrupted bowel function

If you do not drink the required amount of water each day, your stool tends to become hard and you can also develop constipation issues over time. A good way to keep your bowel clean every day is to drink lots of water and stay hydrated.