One of the most neglected things when pregnant is skincare. Not many mothers tend to take good care of their skin, which is equally important and necessary as taking care of one’s health. A mother mostly experiences issues with pigmentation and stretch marks and acne during or post-pregnancy, and hair fall. Here are simple and easy tips that you could follow.

Don’t use bubble baths or scrub your skin as it might irritate your skin, causing more harm. So try switching to mild soaps.

A moisturizer is necessary, and a pregnant woman must use at least 15-20 SPF protective creams as it also helps in getting rid of itchy skin.

Bad acne can be treated with the help of doctors’ prescribed antibiotics lotions. Also, a mother needs to take her vitamins and calcium regularly.

Have adequate sleep as it is essential, and avoid foods that have yeast resulting in genital infections.

Try avoiding makeup as it will lead to unnecessary exposure to chemicals that get absorbed in the bloodstream, causing an impact on the baby.

One of the essential factors besides sleep that has to be kept in mind is having regular fluids. Staying hydrated is necessary and beneficial.

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