The Surya Namaskar and Push-ups are two of the most important forms of exercise to keep your body fit and strong. Both exercises have their own benefits.

Surya Namaskar has its own mythological beliefs, but it is practiced as a full-body workout. It stretches your body as well as works on your cardiovascular system and also improves blood circulation. Surya-namaskar is between the warm-up and proper workout. The asana makes your body stretch and removes all the stiffness. Performing the asana before the sun is even better. Doing 12 sets of Suryanamaskar is equal to doing 288 yoga poses. The yoga asana also regulates the bowel movement along with improving the function of the nervous system and stomach. The human body is made up of the three doshas, the Kapha, Pitta, and Vata, and performing Surya Namaskar helps to maintain the balance of the doshas.

Push-up is a Calisthenic exercise form that is usually done for the strengthening of muscles. It helps build your upper-body and core strength. Push-up is a compound exercise that uses muscles in the chest, shoulders, triceps, back, legs. Traditional push-ups are useful for building upper body strength. They are fast and effective ways of building strength. The best thing about push-ups is you don’t need any equipment and push-ups can be done anywhere and anytime. Doing push-ups also enhances your cardiovascular system. Doing push-ups increases functional strength via full-body activation. It also protects you from a shoulder injury.

Surya Namaskar and Push-ups are beneficial in their own ways, as they not only strengthen your body but also keep your body fit.