There are critics everywhere and while positive criticism can sometimes be a good thing, criticizing someone about their body or weight is rude and uncalled for! Here are 5 accounts, as per Elle Australia reports, of Hollywood stars who not only had to deal with body shamers but also slammed back to them! Read on!

1) Kim Kardashian:
This stunning reality star has been quite frustrated with the unfair backlash that she frequently faces by body shamers. So much so that she penned down an essay to tackle the issue.

“I am empowered by my body. I am empowered by my sexuality. I am empowered by feeling comfortable in my skin,” she wrote.

And she further added, “It’s 2016. The body-shaming and slut-shaming—it’s like, enough is enough. I will not live my life dictated by the issues you have with my sexuality. You be you and let me be me.”

2) Ruby Rose:
Body shaming doesn’t just apply to fat-shaming! This star has been quite frustrated with body shamers who use Instagram as a means to tell the star to “eat a burger”.

Ruby explained, “Not because I care about what someone thinks of my body. I love my body when I don’t work out and I am soft, and I love it when I train hard and feel strong. I hate it because it worries fans or shames them. I hate it because it uses no logic and is just someone projecting their experience and expectations onto others.”

The star added, “I eat so much amazing food (I can’t believe I even have to write that sentence) I just don’t drink alcohol or eat processed food, or meat or dairy and I train every day. I’m plant-based and stupidly healthy. I trained my ass off for 3 action films, I used to be a boxer. My body is just my body. It fluctuates and it changes depending on how hard I train.”

3) Jennifer Lawrence:
This beauty is known to never mince her words. She was once told that she was fat and was told that she would be fired if she didn’t lose weight by body-shaming producers. The actress, according to an Elle Australia report, said, “If anybody even tried to whisper the word ‘diet’, I’m like, ‘You can go F yourself.”

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