Ever since the time Kareena Kapoor Khan made her big Instagram debut, fans and admirers have been waiting to see some adorable photos of the beauty. While many would naturally assume that Bebo would now start rolling out pictures of her with her entire family, the assumption is only partially correct. After dropping a hot photograph of her’s where she looked drop-dead gorgeous in black, Kareena sets fire on social media once again with a beautiful and adorable photo of her and the little munchkin Taimur Ali Khan. The monochrome effect adds to the visual beauty.

In the caption, Kareena has the sweetest revelation where she tells that the only person she would ever let to steal her frame is baby Taimur. Check out the post and the photo below –

View Instagram Post 1: Taimur Ali Khan steals the show from mother Kareena Kapoor Khan

So guys, what’s your take on this visual delight from Kareena’s end? Let us know your views in the comments below. For more updates, stay tuned to IWMBuzz.com