The Twilight franchise has been one of the greatest hits of all time. The breathtaking acting and catchy plot make it for a gripping watch. The role of Bella Swan portrayed by Kristen Stewart was loved and appreciated by many.

Kristen gained wide recognition by essaying her part in ‘Twilight’. But very few people know that Jenner Lawrence originally auditioned for the part of ‘Bella’.

According to US Weekly when the first film of Twilight reached its production and casting phase many actresses were listed out for the part of ‘Bella’. Jennifer Lawrence in an interview with US Weekly told them that while auditioning for ‘Twilight’ she had no idea what part she was auditioning for. Jennifer told the interviewer that she was just given five pages of script for the audition and decided to prepare for it.

The role was eventually given to Kristen Stewart. When the film came out Jennifer Lawrence said that she was impressed by Kristen’s work and was glad that she lost the part to her.

Jennifer Lawrence went onwards to act in the ‘Hunger Games’, which was a critical success at the box office. The huge success lead ‘Huger Game’ franchise to make four films altogether.
She was last seen in the film, ‘Dark Phoenix’ as ‘Mystique’ in the year 2019.

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