It’s been more than three years since you left Bollywood. We miss you. Your fans miss you. We miss that spark that you brought to the screen with every role you play. Your combination of the coltish and coquettish as Kashibai was so endearing many of us felt you should have played Mastani in Sanjay Bhansali’s epic.

You would have done so many things if you were here. You were just beginning to find your bearings in the Bollywood film industry as a prime Diva when lightning struck your career. All those who are shedding tears over Sushant Singh Rajput’s career are barking up the tree. The real victim of the Bollywood’s clannish hostility towards outsiders is ‘you’

We all know what happened to you. And you know it better than anyone else because you were the victim of a vicious campaign to blacklist you in Bollywood. The way you were pushed out of all projects until all you were left with was a supporting role in a remake of Zanjeer and an Indie film The Sky Is Pink, is criminal.

Those responsible went scotfree. You never spoke out against them. Instead you made a parallel career for yourself as a global star.

We are all proud of what you have achieved. But we miss your presence in our films. I feel this is the right time for you to return to India. Those who were responsible for your withdrawal from Bollywood are now under scrutiny for their conduct in keeping genuine talent out of their inner circle.

When they served you lemons you made nimboo ka achaar of them. More power to you, Desi Girl.

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