The Remember This tour by the Jonas Brothers began in Mexico City, where Priyanka Chopra traveled with Nick Jonas. Nick Jonas posted a cool photo with Priyanka Chopra on Instagram and looked lovely. The couple could be seen unassumingly sitting in front of a creative backdrop, and Chopra appeared ready to support her husband before he took the stage. Nick shared a picture that his brother Kevin Jonas took.

In one of her Instagram stories, Priyanka revealed a portion of her backstage access for the Jonas Brothers concert. Nick Jonas captioned his post, “Mexico City night 1. my.” In the picture that Jonas shared, Priyanka was wearing a black dress and matching combat boots. Nick is snapped wearing classy brown jeans and a vintage shirt. In this new image, the couple can be seen seated across from one another at a table. They both wore casually cool outfits, looked super cool, and gave the hottest looks.

The couple looks fabulous together and gives us major couple goals. Their chemistry is just fab, and we can’t stop falling in love with them. They have impressed us and look beautiful together. Their classy and sassy photo is going viral, and fans love it. The hottest and killer expressions made their picture look perfect. The couple mesmerized us with their stunning pictures and kept their fans updated, and stole our attention with their sassy looks.

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