Jimin and V are among the most favorite boys among Bangtan Boys and one must say, these boys do not have to put in a lot of effort to look stylish. A poll was conducted once to find out who is the most stylish one among the Bangtan Boys, and not much to everyone’s amaze,V managed to beat all the other six by securing the highest no. of votes.

BTS ‘blood, sweat, tears printed suits proved a turning point in fashion history. Jimin just blew his fans away with his artistic silver patterned printed suit. His patterned suit almost accentuates the post-Greek-Roman style with its intricate artistic design.

Comparatively, BTS Taehyung Aka V completely left us all in Awe as he wore a golden printed patterned suit. From his surprise grin to his little moments with his fellow band members during its performance at MAMA 2016, V gives us all that we like without holding back. This BTS bold sweet printed suit is undoubtedly worthy of its renowned title in the industry. With its gold stitched designs and contrasting dark black color; it’s a suit fit for the Kings. His shimmering jacket nearly stole the show. He also received lots of attention and praise for the jacket he wore. His appearance in a golden sparky suit made everyone’s heart skip a bit! The multiple design glitter reflects sparkling light on V’s dazzling face.

Although both stole their fan’s hearts in their very unique way; V’s trendy looks prove why he is the leading style icon for the ARMY.