Siddharth Nigam is one of the most amazing and coolest dudes of the Indian TV industry and his fan following is literally limitless.

Usually, we see everyone around Sid praising and complimenting his on-screen style of romance. But this time, the tables have turned as it’s our very own Aladdin aka Siddharth Nigam who’s loving how Vaishnavi Rao and Abhishek Nigam are romancing on-screen. Don’t believe us? Take a look below –

View Instagram Post 1: Hasdi Reya Kar: This is how Aladdin fame Siddharth Nigam reacted seeing Vaishnavi Rao & Abhishek Nigam romance in public

View Instagram Post 2: Hasdi Reya Kar: This is how Aladdin fame Siddharth Nigam reacted seeing Vaishnavi Rao & Abhishek Nigam romance in public