Android is the most popular and adaptable smartphone operating system in the current scenario, as evidenced by the fact that it accounts for about 86 percent of smartphone sales. The key reason for such a heightened approach is that it is open-source, adaptable, and extremely configurable. Furthermore, the availability of hundreds of apps for the same by thousands of developers is like frosting on the cake.

Now, as an Android user, you may wish to investigate the almost limitless options for getting the most out of your Android smartphone. Following suit, we’ve gathered a list of the finest Android hacks and techniques you should be aware of right now. These tips and tactics will not only make you wiser, but they will also alter the way you interact with your smartphone.

Let us begin with the list of the 5 best Android hacks and tricks.

1. Install Linux on your Android Phone without Root

You might be shocked to learn that you can launch the Linux interface and command prompt on your Android phone. Installing Linux on Android has always been a time-consuming job that frequently necessitates root access, but we now have a method for doing so that does not require root access or any specific expertise or abilities.

2. Use your LED flash and Camera for Heart Rate monitoring

Yes, you can check your pulse rate without using a fitness tracker or a gadget with a specific heart rate monitor. It may appear to you at first to be a gimmick or a joke, but it does work to some extent.

3. Tweak the Status Bar using System UI Tuner

If you’re tired of your existing status bar or want to add or remove particular features, you don’t have to rely on third-party apps.

You only need to enable the “System UI Tuner” hidden settings menu by holding down the settings gear in the Notification toggle menu.

4. Track your Android Smartphone

Have you ever misplaced a phone? If so, you may have had a bad experience. We all misplace our phones from time to time, and the worst thing is that if we leave them on mute, there’s no way to get them back except by using Google’s Find My Phone app.

5. See back the Notifications you Swiped Away

To access the screen-adjusting mode, simply long-press and hold on to your home screen. Now, tap widgets and look for the Settings shortcut widget, which should resemble a standard settings gear. Next, drag it to your home screen, which will be followed by a popup list with critical shortcuts like accessibility, app details, battery, devices, battery, memory, and so on. Simply look for and choose the “notification log” option.

Source: techrrival