It’s been four years of togetherness for Madalsa Sharma and Mimoh Chakraborty (Mahaakshay Chakraborty, son of Mithun Chakraborty). They are a blessed couple who have the perfect understanding and are the thickest of friends too. On the occasion of Valentine’s Day, we at have the Anupamaa star Madalsa getting into a conversation about her thoughts on the special day and her plans.

You can glance into Madalsa’s conversation here.

What does Valentine’s day mean to you and Mimoh?

Valentine’s Day is a day when we celebrate love, relationships and togetherness. For us, of course, it is a combination of all these three things. At the same time, this is not the only day when we celebrate love and togetherness. It is unfair to do so!! So for us, Valentine’s Day is a special occasion, but all other days are also equally special for me and Mimoh.

What are the plans this year?

We don’t have any great plans this year. But we have decided to go on a cosy dinner. These moments that we get to spend with each other, having dinners and lunches, are what we cherish with each other. So a cosy dinner is our perfect plan to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

Will you call your jodi as a romantic couple? If yes explain why. If no mention how would you term yourself?

Of course, every couple is a romantic couple. I can say that we are a romantic couple. At the same time, there are a lot many phases that a couple goes through together. They go through it together and grow together. Yes, romantic, but a couple also needs to have stability, companionship and maturity in the relationship.

What does love and the value of relationship mean to you?

Love is one thing that keeps me going. My parents’ love and my husband’s love, my family’s love, are the biggest strengths that I have today. It keeps me motivated to achieve whatever I can achieve today.

A relationship is extremely valuable. There are certain relationships without which you cannot survive. Your spouse, family and parents in particular are very dear.

How would you describe Mimoh as a husband?

Extremely caring, giving and patient. He is extremely lovable.

What is it that you always look forward to from him?

I look foward to more beautiful times in our lives together. More understanding and more growth. Life is a journey where two people come together and decide that they have to spend their lives together. I expect us to be the best of friends, and touchwood, we are already today.

Describe your favourite together moment with Mimoh.

Is the day we got married.

What is your biggest desire or expectation from your husband?

Is not to be revealed in public.

What is the gift you want from him this Valentine’s? What do you want to gift him?

Again, a very personal thing. I am going to keep it between the both of us. Thank you.