Actor Tanish Mahendru, who has been making waves with his portrayal of Sufiyan in Zee TV’s popular show Rabb Se Hai Dua, recently shared his thoughts on the interesting phenomenon of audience perceptions. As his character gains popularity, Tanish reveals the surprising expectations fans have of him off-screen.

The actor is happy that his character of Sufiyan has won hearts. He enjoys portraying varied roles on the platform of TV and is eager to get more challenging opportunities as a performer to showcase his skills further.

In a candid statement, Tanish said, “It’s true. Sometimes people tend to associate actors with the characters they portray on screen, assuming they must be similar in real life. However, actors are skilled at embodying a wide range of characters, and their real personalities can often be quite different from the roles they play. I’m playing a character who is the opposite of who I am in real life. But I think it’s good somewhere because it indicates how well you’re convincing the audience.”

Tanish’s performance as Sufiyan Siddique has indeed been winning hearts, but this success comes with an interesting twist. Fans have started expecting him to behave like Sufi in real life whenever they encounter him. This mix-up between real and reel life is something many actors face, but Tanish sees it as a testament to his convincing portrayal.

Way to go!!