India’s favourite stunt-based reality show COLORS’ ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi 13‘ is redefining daredevilry as its contestants unleash their potential in the face of fears week after week. To give the viewers a bigger adrenaline rush, the action master and host Rohit Shetty is all set to welcome the second formidable challenger of this edition. Renowned for her stint in the 11th season of the show, Divyanka Tripathi is set to return to it and give the khiladis a run for their money in Challenger’s Week.
Divyanka Tripathi, who was best known as ‘Magar Rani’ and ‘Dhaakad Girl’ for her fearless demeanour and remarkable performances, is ready to challenge the contestants. Divyanka will be seen making a grand entry by pulling off a daunting chopper stunt. In the upcoming episode, the celebrated ex-contestant alarms the daredevils, who know that besting her in challenges will be no cakewalk. Her return to the show promises non-stop entertainment and an unprecedented level of fear factor. In a fun moment of the upcoming episode, the ‘Magar Rani’ challenges Aishwarya Sharma to sing for her husband while cradling a baby crocodile. Will the other contestants be able to hold their own and surpass the benchmark she sets?
Speaking about her return to ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi 13’ as a challenger, Divyanka Tripathi shares, “Coming back to Khatron Ke Khiladi felt like I returned to an adventure I loved the most. All the memories of the 11th season came back to me. I was fortunate to have relived those moments and created new ones. This edition of Khatron Ke Khiladi is different with its mind-boggling stunts. I know what it takes to even attempt these stunts and that’s why I have huge respect for all the khiladis, who fought their fears. I’m thankful to host Rohit Shetty and COLORS for this wonderful opportunity. I hope the audience enjoys my journey as a challenger in Khatron Ke Khiladi 13.”
Enjoy the exciting journey of daredevil contestants on Maruti Suzuki presents ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi 13’ along with CERA Sanitaryware as Special Partner, airing every Saturday and Sunday at 9:00 PM only on COLORS!