Anupamaa Written Update S-01 Ep- 586 25th May 2022: The first night of Anuj and Anupamaa

Anupamaa Written Update S-01 Ep- 586 25th May 2022: Anuj assists Anupamaa in removing her jewellery. The song pehla Pehla Pyaar hai plays in the background while Anupamaa blushes.

Anuj compliments food in today’s episode. He claims that 95% of brides and grooms have never tasted their wedding cuisine but are eating it twice. They can’t squander food, according to Anupama. Anuj searches for GK. GK, according to Anupamaa, slept early because he was exhausted. She also offers him her saree to clean his face with. Anuj tells Anupama that if she continues to spoil him in the same way, her saree will be dirty every day. Anupamaa claims that her saree will not be ruined. Anuj tries to approach Anupamaa. Anupamaa is drowsy. In the kitchen, Anuj assists Anupamaa.

Anuj assists Anupamaa in removing her jewellery. The song pehla Pehla Pyaar hai plays in the background while Anupamaa flushes. Anupamaa is carried to the bed by Anuj. Hasmuk makes a prayer to God. Pakhi requests that Hasmuk be served tea by Samar. Samar tells Pakhi that all she knows how to do is order her older brother. Leela and Vanraj are back together. Pakhi also requests that Samar get tea for Leela and Vanraj. She inquires about her granny. Leela reports that she is OK. Jignesh, according to Vanraj, is with her. Partiosh and Kinjal have arrived. Vanraj looks after Kinjal and assures her that she does not need to be concerned while Anupamaa is away. Kinjal falls in love. Leela discovers Kavya on her phone, contacting someone. She has questions about her motives.

Anupamaa prepares herself. The daylight disturbs Anuj’s slumber, and Anupamaa follows him. When he sees Anupamaa, he is transfixed. Leela discovers Kavya conversing with Anirudh. She chastises Leela for maintaining contact with Anirudh. Shah had gathered his thoughts and asked Leela about it. Hasmuk and the others are informed by Leela that Kavya is secretly speaking with her ex-husband. Kavya apologises to Leela for having spoken to Anirudh. But now that Anupamaa’s wedding is completed, she can finally meet and call Anirudh her husband. Kavya is yelled at by Vanraj. Kavya yells back at Vanraj. Vanraj complained to Kavya that he had not lived in peace with her for a single day.

Vanraj irritates Kavya, who asks whether he understands how it felt when you met with your ex. Vanraj inquires about Kavya’s condition. Kavya wants Vanraj to divorce her. Anupamaa prays for everyone’s happiness in other places. She performs aarti. Anupamaa is joined in prayer by GK and Anuj. Prasad is shared by Anuj and Anupamaa. Anuj is grateful to God for bringing Anupamaa into his life. Kavya tells Vanraj that he has flung divorce papers in her face, but she has been gracious enough to place them in his hand. She further states that she has already signed the paperwork and demands that Vanraj signs them and release her. Kavya is asked to leave the house by Leela. Kavya claims she will stay in the residence till the divorce is finalised. Nobody can stop Anirudh from coming to see her, she argues. Leela claims she can’t stand Vanraj’s insults. Anupamaa prays to God to continue to bless her.

Picture Credit- Hotstar

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Sanroy Dabre: Whatever he does, wherever he goes, you'll always find him writing something, as if making notes. You can name him 'a person with a diary'