In today’s episode we can see that Haldi ceremony for Aryan and Imlie begins. Arpita claims that Aryan will posture as the photographer instructs because she does not want Imlie to see his uninteresting face in images later. Arpita said she was looking forward to applying Haldi to Aryan. Narmada joins her, and the two are about to apply Haldi to Aryan when Badimaa intervenes, stating that widows are not permitted to perform suhaag/wedding ceremonies. Narmada didn’t want to perform Arpita’s wedding ceremonies, but Badimaa pushed, and Arpita is now a widow as a result of Narmada’s obstinacy. Aryan becomes even more enraged with her, but Narmada, teary-eyed, stops him and says she can’t risk it and asks Arpita to give the Haldi bowl to someone else. Preeta/Gudiya is asked by Arpita to apply Haldi.

Imlie denies applying Haldi and claims that all she wanted was Haldi from Narmada and Arpita. Badimaa screams at her before saying, “Baasi/stale roti!” Meethi’s own marriage is a farce, therefore she didn’t teach her daughter anything. Imlie describes the importance of Triphathis in her life, clutching Arpita and Narmada’s hands and saying they treated her with respect and love. Arpita is then instructed to apply Haldi to her cheeks. Imlie pulls her aside and begs her to finish the ceremony. He approaches Imlie and asks whether he can apply Haldi to her because they are related. Aditya says he’s still her friend and applies Haldi on her before leaving.