In today’s Kundali Bhagya episode Sherlyn asks Rishabh to listen to her. Rishabh asks her if she can’t see that he is worried about his daughter. He asks her what her problem is. She tells him that there is danger inside the school. He tells her that he doesn’t care even if he dies. She tells him that she doesn’t have family but he has family still they don’t care about him. She informs him that her mother cut off all ties with her. She apologises to him for her mistakes. He tells her that he doesn’t want her apology. He says that he can understand how she must be feeling without mother support but he can’t help her in any way. He reminds her that they don’t share any relationship.

Then in Kundali Bhagya, Rishabh requests her to stop following him and leaves from there. She wipes her fake tears. She says that she will get Rishabh at any cost. Terrorists gathers hostages in single place. Prithvi takes Boss phone. He tells terrorist to connect the phone with school’s loudspeaker. On the other hand, the Police inspector sends an undercover agent inside the school. He asks her to behave like a teacher. Prithvi calls the Police inspector and tells him that he connected his phone with the school’s loudspeaker so everyone can hear their conversation. He says that he wants everyone to know about their deal. He tells him that for now the latter’s side is weak. He makes him hear students screamings. He asks him to fulfil the demands. He asks for a helicopter.

Later in Kundali Bhagya, Rishabh takes the phone from the Police inspector. He asks Prithvi that what the latter wants. Prithvi asks him to arrange 20 crore rupees if the latter wants to see his daughter alive then. Arjun warns Prithvi to not even think of hurting Kavya. Rakhi asks that if Arjun is there. Prithvi asks Arjun that why the latter took risk for Kavya. He asks him about his relationship with Kavya. Arjun tells him that Kavya is his daughter. Prithvi tells him that the latter meant Kavya is like Arjun’s daughter. Undercover agent comes there. She says that she is new teacher of this school. Terrorist makes her sit with other hostages. Rishabh asks the Police inspector if the latter will take responsibility if anything happens to students.

Lastly in Kundali Bhagya, Rishabh says that police can’t understand parents’ pain. Police inspector takes him from there. He informs him about the undercover agent. He says that they will take action after collecting information about terrorists. Sherlyn overhears their conversation. She calls Prithvi and tells him about the undercover agent. He thanks her for giving information and disconnects the call. Sherlyn spots Raja and Vishnu. She scolds them. Raja tells her that they are with Prithvi this time. Agent gives a blade to Arjun. Prithvi asks Agent that if she has camera. She takes her gun out. He snatches the gun from her. She says that she don’t have any camera. He asks her to click their photo with her camera. He reveals that she is undercover agent. She gives camera to him. Meanwhile, Arjun gives blade to Preeta.

Picture Credit- Zee5