Worldwide diabetes is a big health issue and lots of people are suffering from this health disease. In India itself, around 50 million people are suffering from diabetes. It’s a big challenge to get rid of this disease. Try to know about this disease. The excess sugar in the blood is called diabetes. Two primary reasons are there for diabetes, one is the body stops producing insulin and the second one is the body stops responding to the insulin produced by the body. Type 1 diabetes usually occurs in people below 20 years of age and type 2: diabetes occurs in people above 40 years of age. There are various reasons for diabetes and various remedies available, right from exercise, yoga, meditation, etc. Here we look at few homemade remedies to cure diabetes.

* Avoid refined sugar, which spikes the blood sugar rapidly. It’s advisable to avoid refined sugar.

* The grains which are having gluten should be avoided. Gluten is associated with diabetes and its intake can lead to autoimmune diseases.

* Avoid alcohol if you are diabetic. It attacks the liver as well as the pancreas which produces insulin. Diabetes is linked to heavy consumption of alcohol and beer.

* Goat or sheep milk is not harmful, but cow’s milk needs to be avoided if you’re a diabetic patient.

* There are plenty of foods which you should consume if you are diabetic. Cinnamon is considered to be the best for diabetes patients as it contains a bioactive compound that is good for preventing diabetes. Add grounded cinnamon in water, boil, and have it once a day.

* Aloe Vera is having anti-anti-inflammatory properties it helps in controlling diabetes. Add aloe vera pulp in buttermilk and have it.

* Consumption of around 100 grams of Jamun will help you in controlling diabetes.

* All foods which contain Vitamin C should be consumed in more quantity for chronic diabetes. Amla, blueberry, oranges, lime, and tomatoes are a great source of Vitamin C.

* Exercise plays an important role in controlling diabetes. There are various types of yoga exercise, as well as gym exercise and various other things which involve physical activities that are good for diabetic patients.

* Maintain your weight in various ways such as walking, jogging, playing outdoor games, and cardio exercises. This will help significantly in improving your blood sugar levels.

* Also avoid sugary beverages and stick to only plain water for your fluid requirements.

Those were homemade remedies for controlling diabetes. All your food intake and physical activities play a vital role in controlling diabetes.