Miss World Manushi Chhillar made her Bollywood debut in the movie “Samrat Prithviraj” alongside Akshay Kumar in 2022. However, she has yet to impress fans and critics with her acting. Her recent release, “Bade Miyan Chote Miyan,” in which she played the role of Captain Misha Kapoor, has also received negative reviews from critics and audiences. Apart from acting, the former Miss World is known for her impeccable fashion sense. She recently stunned everyone with a chic yet effortless look in a casual outfit with statement accessories. Her photos are a must-see!
Manushi Chhillar’s Stunning Look In Off-Shoulder Top And Jeans-
Taking to her Instagram post, Manushii Chhillar chose an off-shoulder top that perfectly highlights her collarbones and toned shoulders. The upper fit featured a corset-styled fit on the midriff and side cut, and the thigh-length fit added a touch of sophistication to her casual ensemble. Manushii Chhillar pairs it with classic body-fit denim jeans, creating a balanced look that looks stylish and comfortable.
Manushi’s Gleaming Jewelry Set-
What truly elevates Manushii’s outfit is her choice of jewelry. She adorned herself with a gleaming jewelry set, a statement gleaming necklace, and matching ear studs. The sparkling pieces complemented her outfit, making her shine even brighter.
Manushii Chhillar’s Hairstyle And Makeup-
Manushi Chhillar kept her hair tied in a low ponytail with loose strands that added to the overall elegance of her look. The actress kept minimal, focusing on natural tones and subtle glossy lips, which enhanced her radiant beauty.
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