Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are the most cutest and powerful couple in the industry. The actors are very much popular and are the renowned stars of the industry. They have appeared in numerous films and are rocking the industry since they have done their debut film. The actors just make their fans happy with their mind-blowing and amazing chemistry. Fans are happy to know about their relationship and are eagerly waiting for them to get married. The actors are always spotted together at events or various functions and they just give some major couple goals.

The duo is also observed spending time with each other by going on vacation or trips. They are absolutely made for each other and have become the power couple of the B-town. The cutest Jodi has become the favorite of millions of people. The actors are seen giving us major couple goals and just rocks the industry with their cute and beautiful pictures.

Their passion for each other is just fab and are seen giving us major lovey-dovey pictures. They have become the most popular couple in the industry. They have proved their love towards each other and have also shown us the meaning of true love.

Check out the cute pictures of Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt and stay in space with