Kareena Kapoor Khan, Deepika Padukone, and Priyanka Chopra are the most gorgeous and wonderful actresses in Bollywood. They have accomplished a lot of recognition and popularity for their talent and acting in their movies. They have a great and fantastic collection of earrings that goes perfectly on ethnic outfits for their festive looks. Kareena Kapoor Khan was seen wearing small golden jhumkas on her cream color Anarkali and was looking fantastic. The actress prefers to wear heavy earrings to look elegant in that outfit. Kareena was also spotted wearing a unique designer silver ear cuffs and was looking fantastic. She also wore heavy long earrings on her blue ethnic outfit. The actress is seen wearing beautiful earrings.

Deepika Padukone prefers to wear heavy earrings to grab the attention of her fans, and she looks mind-blowing in all her outfits and jewelry. She has a unique collection of jewelry and she just looks mind-blowing in all her accessories. The actress is seen wearing long diamond earrings and looks mind-blowing in her black sarees. She also wore white Pearl earrings on her saree and was looking fantastic. The actress was also seen wearing round gold earrings and was looking ravishing in that ethnic outfit. Priyanka Chopra was seen wearing diamond long earrings and was looking stunning. She prefers to wear long earrings and looks fantastic. The actress was seen wearing a green lehenga and paired it by wearing heavy matching earrings.

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