In the hit movie Pushpa: The Rise, Rashmika Mandanna played Srivalli opposite superstar Allu Arjun, captivating the audience with her performance. According to a recent story, the actress wants to buy her pet dog Aura plane tickets, and Rashmika’s funny response to the news has gone viral. The Dear Comrade actress quoted the aforementioned news on Twitter and added a string of laughing emojis along with the statement, “hey c’mon.. don’t be harsh now.. even if you want AURA to go with me.. SHE doesn’t want to travel around with me.. she’s extremely happy in Hyderabad.”

In the spy thriller Mission Majnu, in which Rashmika will make her Bollywood debut opposite Sidharth Malhotra, she also said, “Sorry but this ruined my day…couldn’t stop giggling.” The actress responded when one of her followers pointed out that there had been several reports similar to this: “Really? No, my God, just don’t keep giving them to me! I feel bad, but I wonder what all of my loves are being fed “. On the work front, the actress has recently finished filming Goodbye, a new Hindi movie in which she co-stars with Amitabh Bachchan and Neena Gupta. She posted photographs from her final day of shooting along with a lengthy, sincere caption on her Instagram.

Source- DNA India

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