The Wolf Of Wall Street

The Wolf of Wall Street is wickedly funny and self-referential. In his decades of directing, Martin Scorsese has proven that he can get the greatest performances out of his performers. As Robbie’s decision to break from the script demonstrates, there are moments when a person may surprise both themselves and other people. Although the future is not fixed, sometimes the riskiest choices lead to the best results.

Mary Queen Of Scots

Mary Queen of Scots, starring Margot Robbie and Saoirse Ronan, makes a case for questioning the patriarchal historical realities we have come to believe. Ronan plays Mary, the Catholic queen of Scotland, in contrast to Robbie’s portrayal of Elizabeth I of England. The two actors play royal cousins who are at odds with one another over control of the kingdom.

Margot Robbie As Harley Quinn

One of the prominent figures in the DC Extended Universe is Margot Robbie, who played Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad and landed the lead role in Birds of Prey. She was one of The Suicide Squad’s best characters and once again stole the stage.

The Suicide Squad

The Suicide Squad is a funny, fast-moving sequel that capitalizes on the violent, chaotic nature of the previous work. Harley Quinn, played by Margot Robbie, learns that her particular brand of happy anarchy has earned her a hero all around the world. Robbie placed herself in Harley’s shoes when she was told that she “symbolizes anti-American fervor,” to see her eyes briefly widen in confusion.