V from BTS shares a great bond with other members from the group Taekook, Taejin or Taejoon, but his perplexing kinship with Jimin, the co-member from BTS he(V) has known since school days, always happens to be an iconic one! With endless squabbles to some heartfelt memories, the duo has it all!

He wrote, in a letter “Before our debut, you once got anxious about it. At the time, I had a meeting with the company and they asked me what I thought of you being on the team. I thought it over and said that you were there for me through the ups and downs. You were the one who laughed and cried with me. So I said that it would be good if such a good friend could debut with me. It felt good to say that and I was happy to be able to debut with you.”

He added, “When I cry in the bathroom, you’re there to cry with me. You come at dawn to laugh with me. You care about me and have me in your thoughts. I love you buddy.” Jimin said, “I don’t know what others might think. I actually learn a lot from him. He makes me feel good and touches my heart often. That’s when I’m grateful to have Taehyung as my friend. So I want to say I’m grateful.”

Talking about squabbles, V said, in the interview, “We didn’t talk for two weeks. That’s when I was working on that drama (Hwarang) so if I craved something, I had to eat it. I was so young. So I said I want to eat during practice but he said ‘none of the members have eaten yet, it’s not nice if you eat first so let’s eat after we’re finished.’ So I said, ‘Hey! I’m hungry! I have to eat first! It won’t take that long. Just wait.’ It was this. We got touchy over this. We were all touchy back then. All the members,” as quoted by The Indian Express.