Selena Gomez, a celebrated figure in the entertainment industry, has recently been making headlines for her dedicated advocacy of mental health awareness and education. The singer, known for her openness about her personal struggles, has taken her commitment to a new level by launching the Rare Impact Fund Benefit. This annual fundraising event, hosted by her beauty brand Rare Beauty, is geared towards supporting youth mental health organizations. Gomez herself hosted the inaugural gala in Los Angeles earlier this month.

During a recent conversation with Wondermind, a mental health fitness company in which she serves as co-founder and chief impact officer, Gomez offered valuable insights into her thoughts on mental well-being. She stressed the importance of acknowledging that bad days are a part of life and should be accepted without judgment. In her own mental health journey, she found that listening and connecting with others were the most significant gifts, as they help combat feelings of isolation.

Gomez admitted that she doesn’t have all the answers and that personal growth is a continuous process. She emphasized the need to make choices that are best for one’s individual well-being and revealed her belief in dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT).

When asked what advice she would give her younger self, Gomez expressed her desire not to dwell on the past and wish for a different path. She hesitated to give advice to others, but she encouraged people to find a trusted friend or family member to confide in, highlighting the empowerment that comes from being vulnerable.

In a light-hearted moment, Gomez humorously compared her mental health journey to the laughing-crying emoji. She also shared her personal affirmation, “This too shall pass,” emphasizing the transitory nature of difficult times.

In closing, Gomez offered a powerful message to her viewers, reminding them that they are enough and assuring them that they are not alone in their struggles. She also hinted at her upcoming studio album, indicating that her artistic endeavors continue to flourish alongside her advocacy for mental health.