Justin Bieber the talented singer is a well-known name all over the globe. He has had many big achievements in his scintillating musical career. In addition to bagging many awards and rewards, Justin Bieber has also been heralded for his records.

Republicworld.com talked about one such moment of Justin Bieber when he broke the record held by The Beatles in 2017. We take reference from that story for our article. So here we go.

Did you know that the musician had previously broken a record that was held by The Beatle for over 51 years? Two of his famous songs held a position on the BillBoard Chart for more than 13 weeks, which was the record previously set by The Beatles. Justin Bieber has lately been keeping the fans entertained through frequent social media updates, most of which also go viral with just a few minutes.

Don’t you think this is an amazing feat to achieve? Truly Justin Bieber inspires many!!