Divyanka Tripathi-Vivek Dahiya, Ravi Dubey, Kunal Jai Singh and Vipul Roy are four actors in the Hindi TV industry who well and truly don’t need any introduction and for real. While Divyanka Tripathi and Vivek Dahiya make one of the most admired and happening couples in the Hindi TV industry, Ravi Dubey, Kunal Jai Singh and Vipul Roy are three other actors who have quite literally managed to create their own niche and establish their niche in the industry like no other. Owing to their respective busy schedules, it is not always possible for these friends to meet, chill and have fun. But whenever they do, they ensure that they make the most of it.
Well, this time, the occasion was ‘Masterchef’ Sanjeev Kapoor’s daughter’s wedding and what truly better than this to celebrate their friendship. All of them are seen all smiles and happy as they talk about the yummy and delicious food that’s been served over there and we are loving the vibe from their end. Well, do you want to check out yourself? Take a look below –
Well, what’s your take on this ladies and gentlemen? Absolutely amazing right? Let us know your views in the comments section below and for more updates, stay tuned to IWMBuzz.com