Rahul Sharma, the young and talented actor, who has enthralled audiences in shows like Vighnaharta Ganesha, Kaal Bhairav Rahasya and Mitegi Laxman Rekha, is back on-screen. The actor will be seen playing the character of Nand Maharaj in Sony Entertainment Television’s latest offering ‘Yashomati Maiyaa Ke Nandlala’.

Rahul is elated to play Nand Maharaj, a keen observer who always has a smile on his face and indulges Krishna like a doting Father. In an exclusive conversation with IWMBuzz.com, the actor spoke about his character in length, challenges, and more. Read on:

How excited are you for your new show?

Whenever I sign a show, I am always looking forward to it. A new project brings new adventures and journeys in life. Hence, I am very excited about Yashomati Maiyaa Ke Nandlala. The show got delayed but now I am looking forward to a great opening. I am thankful for this opportunity.

What makes the show special as we have already heard Yashoda and Kanha stories?

We have seen a lot of shows which were based on Lord Krishna. However, this show is different as it is more of a family-oriented drama. The bond between Yashoda and Kanha, Nand and Kanha will be highlighted. And that is the specialty of the show.

How blessed do you feel to play the role of Nand Maharaj?

It is a different role that I have not explored yet. Hence, I am on cloud nine. I would not say that it is a unique role but this is new to me. After a long time of almost 5 years, I am doing a mytho show. So it feels good to do different kinds of shows.

What preparation are you doing for the role?

Well, when it comes to mytho shows, mostly the language we work upon. It is difficult to get into the skin of the character during the first month. However, eventually, you learn the process. I am trying to fit into the role and do justice. I am also trying to be calm and humble. I am also learning to be more understanding of life and relationships. That is what makes Nand different.

How is your experience working with co-actors?

It is an amazing experience. All my co-actors are good human beings. It feels great when you have a good bunch of people as we shoot for long hours. If your co-actors are not good, then it becomes difficult to work. However, I am lucky so it feels great.

Any final message

I would like to thank them for their support. You guys have loved my previous characters and I hope you love this one as well. I am trying to put my best foot forward. I am sure the audience will shower a lot of love on this show.