Actress Priyal Mahajan who is known for her lead portrayal in the Colors show Molkki, will be seen playing a very interesting role in the upcoming web series, titled Fissaddi, which is produced by Vaibhav Modi’s Victor Tango Productions. The series is said to focus on the brotherhood theme and has Bhuvan Arora and Poojan Chhabra in the main roles. The series will launch on Amazon miniTV.

We at have earlier written about senior actor Gopal Dutt playing a crucial role in the series. If you have missed reading it, you can check it here.

Exclusive: Gopal Dutt to feature in Victor Tango’s web series Fissaddi for Amazon miniTV

Priyal who has earlier been part of the OTT project Tandav, is said to play one of the lead girls.

As per a reliable source, “The shoot for the series happened mostly in Allahabad. The series will be based on a brotherhood theme and will have a college backdrop.”

We buzzed Priyal but did not get through to her.

We reached out to the Producer Vaibhav Modi and spokesperson at Amazon miniTV, but did not get revert till we filed the story.

Amazon miniTV is a free video streaming service available on Amazon’s shopping app and on Fire TV, provides high quality entertainment, which you can watch anytime, anywhere. Amazon miniTV is home to a cherry-picked collection of fresh, incredible and engaging stories and titles across multiple genres ranging from webseries, award-winning short films, comedy shows to expert videos on tech. These include popular titles like Hunter, The Haunting, Physics Wallah, Rafta Rafta, Case Toh Banta Hai, Sixer, Gray, Ishq Express, Udan Patolas, Yatri Kripya Dhyan De, Crushed, Gupt Gyaan, Uljhe Hue, Clean, Sorry Bhaisaab, Adulting, Shimmy, Transistor, Tech with Rajiv Makhni among others

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