Our skin should be healthy and wrinkle-free and for that efforts have been made by everyone. There are various skin-related problems like red spots, pimples, dark spots, wrinkles, and loose skin around the eyes.

We should avoid fatty and processed food and we should hydrate ourselves.

Also for all kinds of skin-related problems, yogasana plays an important role and here we look at six yogasana for this problem.


* Start in Marjarasana and elbow should be flat.

* Lean forward so that bodyweight shifts towards tricep.

* Slowly lift your both feet and hold for some time and back to normal position.


* Keep elbows and palms on the ground.

* Walk your toes towards elbows while keeping your legs straight.

* Point pelvis and maintain core, shoulder, and muscle arm strength to maintain the posture for 30 seconds and release.


* Begin with back and lift legs, pelvis, and back.

* Place palm on your back for support.

* Try to achieve a straight line between legs, feet, shoulder, pelvis, and torso.

* Be in this position for a few minutes and relax.


* Stand straight, exhale and bend your upper body down from the hips and touch your nose to your knees.

* Place palms on either side and be in this position for a few seconds before relaxing.


* Lie on your back and place palms beside your body.

* Lift legs 90 degrees.

* By pressing palms firmly, allow legs to fall back behind your head.

* Try to bring as close to the chin as possible.

* Be in this position for a few seconds and release.


* Ensure palms are under the shoulder and knees below hips.

* Form inverted V shape by lifting hips and straightening knees and elbows.

* Now keep the hand’s shoulder-width apart and fingers pointed ahead.

* Be in this position before returning to normal position.

Those were six yogasana that will help you to reduce wrinkles and help tighten the skin around the eyes.

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