Creating a room that you genuinely want to rest in entails more than just picking out some comfortable furnishings. It’s equally as important to pick the right paint for your walls. It won’t help your stress levels if your walls are bright and colorful. Take a cue from these serene spaces—they could just encourage you to pick up a paintbrush and relax.

Oh, and after that’s done, make sure you do all you can to make your room a stress-relieving haven–clear out the clutter, surround yourself with comfortable cushions, and light your favorite candle.

1)Sky Blue

Light blue colors always seem to liven up a space. Proof? Barry Dixon created this one. It’s almost as though you’re looking up into a clear sky.


Relaxation shouts from a blush-painted room packed with plants and natural furnishings. It’s the ideal place to relax and lose yourself in a good book.

3)Sage Gray

For a spa-like experience as you enter the room, use a deep yet subdued gray with a hint of green undertone. This kitchen, designed by Marshall Watson, exudes serenity.

4) Classic White

White is the hue that best conveys a fresh, clean attitude. Starting her days in this white master bath, Analisse Taft-Gersten adds, “it sets the tone for my entire morning.”

5) Mauve

Mauve is a relaxing color that is neither too gray nor too violet. Its elegance and understatement are ideal for a dining room, such as this one by Kristin Kong.