Emraan Hashmi has established himself as quite an out of the box actor in the industry. A lot of the credit for his growth goes to none other than Mahesh Bhatt who gave him the break of his life in Bollywood, post which he has established himself in a different category altogether. His last movie, ‘Why Cheat India’ didn’t do as well at the box office as he would have liked it to. Hence he would definitely like to improve on that and come up with something that will bring him back on track.

And he’s probably on the right track as he has started shooting for his next one titled, ‘Ezra’, which is a hindi remake of a Malayalam supernatural thriller which was also titled, ‘Ezra’. Although there aren’t any reports about who the female lead is, what is surely known is the fact that apart from Mauritus, the film will also be shot in Mumbai. At the helm of things as ‘director’ is Jay Krishnan, who also led the charge in the original Malayalam film.

On the work front, Emraan will also be seen with Amitabh Bachchan in ‘Chehre’ which has all the makings of a superb film.